April Plans, and Preview for the Week

First, a couple of things.

@tripghetaway has set up a Thunderclap for his Project Marijuana indiegogo campaign. He wants to make a documentary about legalization, and I’m supporting him. I have an explainer for Thunderclap if you’re interested.

A big thanks to Comparative Geeks for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award. This is one of my favorite awards, and I’m thrilled to have received it from them. CompGeeks is the first WordPress blog I commented on back in November, and they left a comment here wishing us good luck on day 1. Since we’re still talking, I say we’re friends. If you’re looking for some good blogs to follow, you should check out their other nominations. I follow many of them already.

As I mentioned a couple of times this week, I almost withdrew from the A to Z Challenge. I changed my mind because @hohmeisw(Will) and @quaintjeremy have provided me with enough posts to update Monday-Thursday here for most of the next two weeks without writing a word. We’ll have a Doctor Who post this week and a comics extravaganza for the next little while. Here are my two top priorities:

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