Mississippians are working for Marriage Equality tomorrow. I’m supporting them. So can you.


This is from the Campaign for Southern Equality’s blog:

On Tuesday, March 25th in Jackson, Mississippi same-sex couples will apply for marriage licenses as part of the WE DO Campaign. Jessica and Amber are one of the those couples that will bravely walk into the Hinds County Courthouse and ask to be treated as full and equal citizens.

This is happening at 9:30 tomorrow. Here’s a direct link to the post. It includes a photo of Jessica and Amber, and a statement from Jessica.

If you wish to help, here are some things you can do:

1. Send these couples a message of support through the Southern Equality website.

2. Share the status update from their Facebook page announcing this event.

3. Watch their Facebook page and @CSElive tomorrow and share the relevant status updates and Tweets.

4. If you can’t be online while this is going on but would like to help, don’t sweat it. Keep in mind that a single social media share is only seen by a small portion of its potential audience. It’s helpful to share updates or write about it tomorrow evening, the next day, or even later. That’s how we keep ideas in play and find new readers for stories once we’ve done all we can with a single blog.

I hope everyone has a great week. I’ll have more on this later; we’ll also have plenty of our usual fare this week, as well.

Image via Southern Equality Facebook page.