Weekend Music: Imagine

I was gonna wax eloquent about Queen and other things today. Thank your lucky stars I decided not to inflict that on you, and enjoy the video.

Have a good weekend, and rest assured there’s more to come.

Always more to come with this blog.

Deep thought: Before a thing that hasn’t existed ever before can become real, someone must imagine it. That’s the first step.

Now clap your hands if you believe in fairies.

Hand-clapping on the thread is an approved method of interaction today.

Also good: Finger-snapping, I’ll take finger-snaps all day long. You classroom-managers KNOW what I’m talking about. Mass finger-snapping is one of the most beautiful phenomena in all of creation. It’s quiet and busy at the same time. That is a killer combination.

Keep blogging, people. Just. Keep. Blogging.

Weekend Music: Good Mornin’ America!

Seems appropriate for a July 4 weekend.

Happy Friday!

Weekend Music: Shenandoah

This song haunts me. Sometimes I hear it in my dreams. Roger McGuinn is the real master, but Arlo Guthrie does it better than most. Sadly, I cannot find an adequate live performance to share on the blog, but the art is interesting and the lyrics are mostly intact in this version.

Given the fact that nearly everyone who writes for this blog or otherwise supports it is interested in power relationships, gender issues, and imperialism but we don’t talk about that stuff here any more because 24/7 pop culture geekery just sells better and we are after readers, it seems like the right thing to post today.


Weekend Music: Imagine


John and Yoko at Madison Square Garden in 1972. The intro is rough, and the quality is uneven. This is the YouTube version of old vinyl. Worth watching.John with the purple glasses and the sideburns is nearly always worth watching.

Plans have shifted this week, because 1000 Voices Speaking For Compassion happened and I decided to do what I could to give it a boost. You weekend readers can catch up on that drama at Just Gene’O. And seriously. There is a story there worth telling.

We’re starting a long run of contributor posts next week, and Diana will have something extra-special for you tomorrow concerning a certain television series we all love.

Weekend Music moves to Saturdays next week to make way for Arrow, because we are running that one on Friday mornings, and Weekend music just does as well on Saturdays as a single photo feature.

Keep Blogging!