Destino: Where Are the Rock Goddesses?

That’s a very good question, and you can find a post here that discusses it. It  includes music videos and is loaded with links to metal and rock bands with female members.

Social media is a wild and crazy thing. I can’t remember how I discovered Destino, but it’s a blog I thoroughly enjoy. Its owner, @EvaDiva0516, is a great blogger to have as a tweep. Not long after we started tweeting together, the two of us managed to have a conversation with artist David Mack and I realized that in addition to music, photography, blogging, and humor, we share an interest in comics. That kind of made us buds. Her latest project is a blog carnival devoted to comics, and we’ll be submitting a lot of Jeremy’s work to it in the next week or so.

So, I was thrilled when Eva tweeted me that she was posting on a feminism-related topic. She was kind enough to drop me a link, so I figure the least I can do is encourage folks to read it.

Here’s a rock goddess for you: