I support The Campaign for Southern Equality.


Vicki and I bopped up to Safe Harbor Family Church in Jackson Sunday because @CSElive followed me on Twitter during the SB2681 madness a couple of weeks ago and let me know they were coming to Mississippi this week for an action. I wanted to talk to them in person and see how they conduct a political action before I decided whether or not to go all in with them. I’ll tell you, they impressed us both.

Their training session was professional. Their strategy and their methods are sound. They respect that they are working with people, and they are very up front about the fact that everyone has to decide for themselves whether or not to engage in political action. Vicki and I have decided to give them as much social media support as we can muster, and our personal endorsements.

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“Did you pay the iron price for that?”

I’ll be out of pocket most of the day. Since we haven’t talked about Game of Thrones much, and it’s starting back up soon, here’s a nice rendition of my favorite house sigil and motto. You can find several more at Mwar’s Deviant Art page.

I’m ready for the season to begin. I’m even more ready for Martin to publish the next book. I’m beginning to think the series might catch up to the books.