Project Marijuana is a film deserves to be made.

Trip Ghetaway wants to go to Colorado and make a documentary film about the legalization of marijuana. Here’s Trip. I find him persuasive, and he’s right about what it’s like to make a documentary. You can find more videos at his Indiegogo page, which he hopes will raise the money he needs to get the movie done.

You can find him on Twitter @tripghetaway. Trip and I have a few things in common. We both started out developing photos in darkrooms, we have similar views on photography and working for free, and we both have connections to Texas.

Here’s Trip’s collaborator Tisha Cruzan talking about her military experience and how legalization would improve her life.

If you agree with Trip and Tisha, please share them with your friends and consider supporting Trip’s campaign.

Now you know I must give you some opinions on our insane drug control policy.

  • Marijuana should not be treated the same way as heroine and cocaine.
  • Marijuana should be available by prescription in the U.S. to every person who has a legitimate medical need for it.
  • States should be allowed to legalize it. States that don’t want to legalize it should still be required to make it available by prescription to people who need it.
  • States that don’t want to legalize should be forced to stop locking people up just for using it. The most draconian penalty for possession we should tolerate in any state of our great union is seizure of the stash and a $5 fine that can be paid by mail like a parking ticket. I’m for full legalization myself, but, you know. Democracy.
  • I think it makes more sense for medicinal marijuana to be regulated like an over-the-counter drug; and recreational marijuana to be regulated like alcohol and tobacco; than to allow an entirely avoidable black market to persist. Black markets warp the economy and breed violence. We know how to fix this one, so let’s fix it.

I haven’t talked about indie filmmaking for awhile, so you may not realize what a soft spot in my heart I have for it. My brother-in-law has an indie documentary in post-production. When I first met him, years ago, he was my sister’s new boyfriend. He was in the early stages of shooting and high on the possibilities. Now he has more footage than he knows what to do with, and no money to pay editors. One of our early social media projects was setting up a Thunderclap to promote his Indiegogo campaign.

We tagged 20 people at a time on Facebook, made personal phone calls, and spent weekends blogging about it. I created a page to explain Thunderclap to people who’d never heard of it. We twisted arms. We managed to get enough supporters for a small Thunderclap, and the continual conversation attracted enough attention to double the amount of money we raised in the last 10 or 12 days. We did this during the first month of our blogging careers.

You can see the final Indiegogo tally, and a trailer for Sam’s movie, here.

What I’m saying is, I understand what Trip’s going through, and I want to help him. If you’d like to see this movie made, let Trip know. Tweet to @tripghetaway and @Sourcererblog with the hastag #ProjectMarijuana. Or blog about this. Or share Trip’s links on other social media.

I’d like to watch this movie one day.


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