Weekend Roundup: New to the Blogroll

I realized yesterday that I needed to add a couple of people to the blogroll, and it turned out I needed to add a whole handful. Before we get to the links, here’s a video I love, because we haven’t had any live Leonard Cohen lately. This one’s long, but it is worth every minute.

I don’t know if anyone still uses blogrolls to find new blogs – I don’t use them that way any more, but I do look at them on my first visit to see if anyone I know is listed. I use my own blogrolls to remind me to check in with people. I look at my blogrolls once a week or so, and if I notice one I haven’t visited in a while, I go and see what they’re up to.

Since I had to copy the links anyway, I decided to do a roundup. The links go to their about pages, so that if you’ve never visited them, you can see what they’re about. I also follow most of them on Twitter.

Papersmashed, the blog of Eva Acharya, who writes and works in several other media. She’s trying to fund a short suspense film she’s written; you can find the details at her project page for “The Circle.”

That Montreal Girl, who does a lot of awesome photo blogging, and who I tweet with quite often.

The Ramblings of a Jedi Librarian, a great blog for reviews and other good stuff, written from a geeky perspective. I discovered her blog by chatting with her at Part Time Monster.

Shards of Silence, the blog of writer Vic Briggs. I haven’t known Vic very long, but we’ve already had several good conversations.

Science Fiction, Transmedia, and Fandom, the blog of independent scholar Natacha Guyot, who follows all our blogs and chats with me quite frequently.

Rose B. Fischer, another great blogger who is also a writer, and who I’ve had several great conversations with. She refers to the creative process as “Herding Muses,” and I think that’s the most apt metaphor for it I’ve ever encountered.

A few of these are blogs I discovered recently, but most of them should have been on the blogroll already. They all have interesting approaches to blogging and do fabulous work.

Edit: I realized after I posted this that I needed to include Not a Punk Rocker, who I’ve had lots of good conversations with.

34 thoughts on “Weekend Roundup: New to the Blogroll

  1. Leonard Cohen is always worth every minute. Such a great and gifted man! I have been thinking about rebuilding a blog roll for my own site, but never got around to doing it. I thank you for adding me to yours. I’m glad we got to meet and looking forward to further conversations!


    • I feel the same, both about Leonard Cohen and meeting you.

      Leonard would make my top ten list of 20th Century songwriters, and I also consider him a great poet.

      I know what you mean about the blogroll. It takes time. I know so many bloggers at this point, I can’t keep the list in my head any more. I added all these folks to the blogroll because sometimes bloggers go a week or two without talking – I do that often when I’m in the middle of a project – and I needed a way to remind myself to keep up with them.


  2. Thank you for adding me. I’m beginning to think I might dust off my unused twitter (or make a new one.) I intentionally don’t have a blogroll, but you have a good point about using them to as a reminder to check in with folks. I will have to ponder this.


    • That’s pretty much all it’s for at this point. Next time I go through the site and do a maintenance overhaul, some of the ones I have on there will come off, for the simple reason that we’re not interacting. I’ve decided my blogrolls need to be for bloggers I talk to, even if only sporadically. I don’t really care whether anyone blogrolls me back; it’s entirely to help me keep up.

      Blogrolling used to be a reciprocal thing, and it used to mean more than it does now. News aggregators have changed the way bloggers interact.

      Was going to ask you if you tweeted. I tweeted everyone else the link, but searched for you and wasn’t even sure that was really your account.


      • I remember when blogrolling was more of a reciprocal thing and I do like to reciprocate links and such. I have a problem getting overwhelmed with too many links on a sidebar. (The jury’s out about whether that’s neurological or just me being strange.)

        Re twitter: I have one that twitter locked me out of and one that was for my design blog, but I’d always forget to use it because I wasn’t interacting with anyone/didn’t have much to say. There’s not really a lot of networking to do when your content is mainly free web graphics. This was pre-Wordpress and at this point I feel like there are conversations I’m interested in joining.


            • Ok 🙂 I’ll warn you. It does take time. I’m sacrificing a lot of Facebook time to squeeze the Twitter in, but I’ll be happy to help if you want to do it.

              One more thing. I think your problem with busy sidebars might be partly neurological. I had a hard time finding the right themes for my blogs because they’re both text-heavy, and most themes have sidebars on the right these days.

              Personally, I can’t stand a sidebar on the right when I’m trying to read. It’s very distracting. If it’s on the left, I’m able to tune it out. I’m something of a speed-reader, and having it in my field of vision at the end of every line slows me down a lot.


            • Yep, that’s the main reason I haven’t up to now. I decided that I’m going to hold off until May or June when (presumably) my obligations will be less stressful and I’m not trying to participate in a big blogging challenge.


            • Meant to say–that’s interesting about the sidebar. I have trouble because I need a theme that isn’t white or black on white, especially in the text field.


            • Now that is interesting. I prefer a slightly off-white text field. I don’t want it to be bright white, but white with just a hint of gray or yellow. I can’t stand white text on a black field if I’m trying to read more than a paragraph.


            • Yep, that’s how I feel about the text fields too. I get migraines and the bright white will trigger them.


    • Yes, Hallelujah is awesome. There was an effort a few years ago to make it the national anthem of Canada. Not sure how serious it was, but people did suggest it.


    • Lol, yes. When I saw Jedi Librarian on one of Diana’s threads and realized she’s been commenting over there for a while, one of the first things I said to her was:

      How do I not know you?


    • You know, I should have included you in this, and I just thought of another blogger who talks to me often that I missed.

      I’m blogrolling both of y’all a little later, and will edit this post when I do.


    • Cool! I’m glad you liked it, and stop by any time.

      Those are all blogs I keep up with, and I’ve had conversations with most of them. All nice people to know.


  3. Pingback: Note to Collaborators | The Writing Catalog

  4. Thank you for the mention. I’ll check everyone else out as soon as I can. Glad you enjoy my little review. More of them are to come as I make my way through the YALSA Hub reading challenge.


  5. Pingback: Posts I loved this week | Taylor Grace

  6. Pingback: ROW 80 2014 Round Two — Re-Evaluating My Goals (Again) | Rose B Fischer

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