Tuesday Texture: Bricks + Chalk

Photo by Gene'O, 2015.

Photo by Gene’O, 2015.

Last Tuesday photo for April. I’ll have one more Wordless Wednesday remix tomorrow, then done  with the photos until May.

I may have to drop back to one photo a week here for a bit to get some other stuff done. I’ll tell you. I am way more efficient at the Internet than I was when I started. And I have more help at this moment in time than I’ve ever had. Still have a to-do list a mile long.

I don’t see how I blogged the way I did last year and remained sane.

Hang in there! We’ve almost made it to Z, and I know where an A to Z afterparty is to be had once we’re done 😉

Blogging A to Z Day 28: X-Files

I always say that without Star Wars, I wouldn’t be who I am today, including as an author and scholar. This is true, but there is another strong influence: The X-Files. This Science Fiction universe has also had a great impact since my adolescence. I even remember thinking that the FBI might be a career I’d like (although I am French!) and I loved how Mulder and Scully served their country, even when it was going against the system and put them in life threatening situations.

I don’t like every single episode and I am not a huge fan of the second movie but this doesn’t take anything away from my love for the show. I hope that we get to see more X-Files in the near future, and that if it happens, we don’t just get Scully, Mulder and Skinner back, but also Reyes and Doggett. The last two seasons of the show had many brilliant moments and Doggett and Reyes were compelling characters. Of course, the duet formed by Mulder and Scully remains at the heart of what makes The X-Files my all time favorite TV show. I love their connection and how both characters develop so much over the years. Scully remains one of my role models and a game changing female character in the television landscape. I can’t wait to be able to work on the book project I have about her. Even with so much already published, there is still room for more analysis and angles to be tackled.

Source: The X-Files Wiki.

Source: The X-Files Wiki.

The show inspires to be perseverant even in face of the adversity and I like how faith has such a strong place in it, whether it is in God, science, other people or in the existence of aliens. Faith has many faces in The X-Files and without it, the characters might not have made it through. The tagline of the show, ‘The Truth Is Out There’, is a good way to sum up the show and its message. Even when a situation looks like a dead end, with too many road blocks piling up, there is always a way. This doesn’t mean there isn’t loss or tragedy, because there is a lot of these in The X-Files. Yet, the characters are always able to carry on and do the best they can.

This is why ‘I Want(ed) to Believe’ we would get more X-Files! I was so happy when official news about six new episodes came out in March. I can’t wait to see them and I hope that this might be the beginning of a new era (I can dream, right?)