Happy Easter




You’ll be seeing more original photos here as we move into spring and summer. I got about 30 good shots yesterday, and I’m pretty much taking my camera everywhere I go now. I intended to make this part of our content from the very beginning, but it’s taken me this long to find both the time and the right weather for outdoor photography. I like to photograph flowers, sculpture, architecture, and heavy equipment, and we have an abundance of all those things in my hometown.

3 thoughts on “Happy Easter

  1. Happy Easter, Gene: lovely photo. I am taking a break from blogging until end of May/beginning of June, but will continue to read/like/respond to other writers’ posts. Ali x

    Liked by 1 person

    • And happy Easter to you! I’ve been offline most of the day, but I did get more photos.

      Breaks can be good 🙂 Hopefully, I’ll still be here when you start back up.


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