We’re Pleased to Welcome Natacha Guyot!

A few weeks ago, the fabulous Natacha Guyot offered to guest post here and I, of course, said yes. 🙂 We haven’t worked out a date for her first post to run yet, but when we do, you can be sure I will announce it ahead of time, it will be Star Wars-related, and you won’t want to miss it.natacha

Natacha is a French independent researcher, writer and public speaker. She works on Science Fiction, transmedia, gender studies, and fan communities and practices. She is also a vidder, bookworm, fangirl and feminist. She will be writing here about Science Fiction and female characters.

You can find more about her projects, including her upcoming books Women in Science Fiction Television (Scarecrow Press, 2015) and A Galaxy of Possibilities: Representation and Storytelling in Star Wars (Self-Published, 2015) at natachaguyot.org.

Natacha and I have been chatting on the Internet for almost a year, and she hosted not just one, but two of the Feminist Friday discussions last year. She’s actually the first person I met through WordPress who offered to guest post here, but we decided to run her Feminist Friday posts at Science Fiction, Transmedia, and Fandom instead.

SF, TM, FDNatacha has a standing invitation to guest blog, so you never know when you might see a post from her here  😉

You can Tweet with Natacha @natachaguyot. If you want to know even more about her, check out this Q&A she did with @RonovanWrites for LitWorldInterviews in November.

17 thoughts on “We’re Pleased to Welcome Natacha Guyot!

  1. I don’t know how you’re managing to contain the excitement! You have a totally awesome crew, and I can’t wait to read Natacha’s posts. All those cat pictures are flickering through my mind…next step, world domination 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    • Yar. I believe we just might 🙂 These threads, and also the retweets and Facebook shares I have been seeing over the past couple of days are happy-making, for sure.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Posts I loved this week | Taylor Grace

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