My New Blog is Turning into Something Cool!

Just Gene’O has a sweet About page, sharing buttons, and tweaked settings. It’s still not connected to the rest of the social media, but the further along I get with it, the more I like it. Once I get it going, it will be something new and different. I’m liking it, and having my own images to work with is helping immensely.

I'm giving myself an honorary Versatile Blogger award for this one, but not to worry, I'm not nominating anyone today ;-)

I’m giving myself an honorary Versatile Blogger Award for this one, but not to worry, I’m not nominating anyone today 😉

Just Gene’O expresses my personality in a way that’s different from the other blogs I’ve built. I’m eager to see where it goes. I want to connect it to every social media account I own and kick it off already, but I know better 🙂 Patience is required here. If you’re following Sourcerer but  are unaware of my new blog, you might want to check it out. Aside from a Tweeted link, it’s a WordPress-only phenomenon right now.

I’m doing this one right.

Chatter Away!