Sourcerer Contributors



Garrett Ashley

Garrett lives in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, where he’s working on an MA at The University of Southern Mississippi. His stories have appeared in Asimov’s Science Fiction, PANK, NANO Fiction, Lore, and decomP magazinE, among other places.


Jeremy DeFatta

Jeremy is a native of Mississippi and resident of Hattiesburg, where he is still trying to figure out what to do next a year and a half out of his MA in 20th Century American Literature. Though a lover of many aspects of Nerd Culture, his contributions to this blog will mostly fall under the umbrella of American and British comics and comics writers, a primary focus of his master’s thesis. He welcomes open, civil discussion on the points he raises in his posts. Feel free to follow his sometimes not-so-nice thoughts on Twitter @quaintjeremy.


Diana Gordon

Diana is a native Mississippian. She is a nerd, a bookworm, a feminist, a mother, a teacher, a worrier, and a social media junkie. She is the administrator of the blog Part Time Monster, and you can follow her on Twitter @parttimemonster or find her on Facebook at She lives in New Orleans with her four year old son, the Little Jedi, her husband, and their terrier, Tank.


Gene’O Gordon

Gene’O is a writer, an organizer, and a Geek for Life. His topics of interest include all kinds of theories, sci-fi and fantasy, writing, education, and social justice.  He is the owner of The Writing Catalog and the administrator of Sourcerer. You can connect with him on Google+, Facebook, and Twitter.


Alva Long

Alva does not believe in perfection but she does believe in magic. She’s a mom, a wife, an artist, a craftsman, a nurse, a bleeding heart, a rebel, a caretaker, a riotgrrl. She is the owner of Alva’s Almanac.


You can find gravatar profiles for those of us who have direct access to the blog with a WordPress account by clicking our avatar images in the author grid on the sidebar.

image: LOTR wiki

10 thoughts on “Sourcerer Contributors

  1. Pingback: Video Games and Art | Sourcerer

  2. Pingback: Happy New Book Day! | Sourcerer

  3. Pingback: Zero to Hero 8: Partially Complete | The Writing Catalog

  4. Hey, I can’t edit this page, but can we edit my bio to fix the typo in my Twitter handle and take out the parenthesis after fiancee?


  5. Pingback: Congratulations, Garrett! | Sourcerer

  6. Pingback: Taking Stock of my Writing Career | The Writing Catalog

  7. Pingback: Follow Friday: Sourcerer Blog | Lazy Lady

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