Annie-Blog: In which I wax embarrassingly poetic about a kids’ show…

– This is Annie’s first post from Part Time Monster. When we published it, we were just getting started. I am reblogging it here, because I think some of you who have just discovered us in the last couple of weeks might enjoy it.

For Game of Thrones Fans


by Jeremy DeFatta

Good day, everyone. Here are a few treats for my fellow Game of Thrones/A Song of Ice and Fire fans.

Don’t forget that Martin is lead on a new anthology that features a novella about old-timey Targaryen sisters riding dragons (I still need to read it), or that The World of Ice and Fire, Martin’s long-awaited history of Westeros, is available for pre-order now.

And now, a shameless plug for one of my favorite video bloggers, comicbookgirl19. She’s a geek of many stripes. Poke around on her YouTube channel for a bit and you’ll find her videos on the histories of the great houses of Westeros. They contain invaluable information for fans of the show (or books) who haven’t delved much into the world’s lore.

ed. – Here’ a bonus. The trailer HBO released yesterday for their new season:

So, keeping spoilers to a minimum, who are your favorite characters? What are your predictions for where the show will go next? Let’s try not to give too much away to the people who haven’t been following the books yet. Failing that, anybody else a fan of the Dunk and Egg novellas? How do you feel they might fit into the larger story arcs that Martin is working up in the main series?

-edited to remove  comicbookgirl19 video. Her videos are definitely good enough to share, but we’ve had real problems getting her videos to play when we embed them. The link to her channel works, though.

image via Littlefinger’s Fan Page

GOT trailer via Indiewire

This is what I’ll be watching tomorrow night.

I haven’t been getting my television fix since Boardwalk Empire ended its season, so I am glad Justified is coming back. I may blog about it a bit; it’s one of my favorite shows.

I wrote it off as a villain-of-the-week melodrama that trades on stereotypes of the American South after the first three episodes, and boy was I wrong about it. I think the show really hit its stride about halfway through season 2, and it’s only gotten better since then. It is frequently funny, relationship-driven, and well acted.

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I will be watching this Jan. 12

I have been meaning to pimp this series for a while now. Putting Woody Harrelson and Matthew McConaughey in the same series could be the most brilliant casting move of the decade.

Thanks, HBO!