20 thoughts on “Pop Culture 101: THE WALKING DEAD

  1. Pingback: FEAR THE WALKING DEAD starts tonight | Infinitefreetime.com

  2. I’m not excited, Luther. Television folk have a way of spreading the good ideas across too many spin-offs. I want them to put 100% effort into TWD. It almost feels like I’m being forced to watch this show, and I may not because of that.


  3. I’m pretty excited for it myself. Hoping I can get done with all the keyboardy stuff so I can watch it tonight. And no, you do not have to be nice of it sucks. That would just be silly.


  4. I like your review style, Luther. Very authentic :). Would love to feature your reviews in our weekly curated email digest that goes out to thousands of people.


    • I’m backing Luther up on this one. No amount of exposure is worth this:

      “By logging in to ReviewCreep, you are required to give us consent to store and hold your Facebook profile data even after you inactivate or delete your User account.”

      That’s just not in our best interest. But thanks for the offer, and I’m glad you like the review. Luther’s good. Better at the actual blogging than almost anyone else I’ve ever known.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thanks for the follow up, Gene. While we are not a malicious team by any means, if you’re not comfortable with that then you can actually just signup with your email address. This way no Facebook info is tied to your account. If not, then I appreciate you checking us out, it means a lot.


  5. Awesome post, Luther – laugh out loud funny. I love the format, the conversational tone, and the information you managed to fit in. I’m intrigued for the new show, and looking forward to your thoughts 😀


  6. OK, I watched it twice last night, but I will say that I see some similar character themes going on in the new show (and I am a bit confused about one plot point, but I will look that up later 😀 )


Chatter Away!