Weekend Coffee Share: In Which I Transfer My Flag (Again)


If we were having coffee, I’d tell you it’s odd to be publishing a #WeekendCoffeeShare post here after working so hard to keep the personal-ish stuff off my pop culture blog for most of a year. I think I’ve only posted one truly personal post here since January, and I am not sure how these are going to play.

I’d tell you the Sci-Fi/Star Wars Saturdays aren’t going away — that’s a feature I’m interested in doing consistently, but we aren’t quite there yet. Most weeks, my coffee posts will run on Sundays here, but given that I’m making such big changes with my blogging, I thought it wise to publish this one today and get it into the linkup early.

And I’d tell you it’s good to be back to Sourcerer. You may have noticed that I’ve upped the frequency of my personally-written content here. That’s partly because we have fewer contributors during this part of the year than we do in the spring and early summer. It’s partly because this blog works better when I’m posting and chattering on the threads here, even though most of our contributors draw more readers than I do. You’ll see what i mean by that when I share my stats from the last few months here tomorrow.weekendcoffeeshare_2015

I think of Sourcerer as “the little blog that could.” It should not have worked as well as it has. It started out as a blog where I mostly shared music videos and published incomprehensible posts about my plans and my struggle to understand social media. I’ve come within a hair of pulling the plug and moving on several times. But every time I’ve reached that point, people have stepped up and given me the support I needed to continue.

In January of last year, several offline friends, and people I met through offline friends, helped me put together a short run of everyday blogging and that allowed us to reach the point where I, along with Diana, Jeremy, Will, and a few others, were able to get through the spring and summer while Diana and I did the A to Z Challenge at two other blogs.

David came in at some point to blog music — I don’t remember when. But when we reached the point that Jeremy was almost done with Batman and I was desperate for quality comics posts, David stepped up and jumped right into Marvel. Once that Batman run hit the six-month mark, it became clear that this blog can’t survive long without mid-week comics.

Luther came in for The Walking Dead at just the right moment. At the point he did, I was beginning to feel like maintaining this blog along with everything else I was doing was requiring me to ask too much of David and Diana. Luther’s participation — though we never talked about this — convinced me we were far enough along to go out for contributors. So I did.

SourcererCollageNow, on any given week, you might see posts from any of the bloggers I’ve mentioned already. You also might see Melissa, Hannah, Rose, or Natacha publishing here. We’ve established easy channels of communication so I don’t have to put planning stuff into public posts and ask everyone to read them just to see who’s interested. Nor contact a dozen people privately when I need to talk about the blog. We’ve developed a way of doing collaborative posts that read like three-minute podcasts and we’ve set up an interview feature that has real potential, based on its popularity so far.

This isn’t the whole crew — it’s just the ones I can easily cram into a 30-minute coffee post off the top of my head. Despite the modesty of our success here, this blog is the most promising thing I’ve ever done on the Internet. It’s more important than my personal blog.

I honestly don’t know why most of these other bloggers are so willing to publish here. It’s a genuine puzzle to me. But the level of support and trust I’ve received from other content producers over the last two years is not something I’ve seen many small-time bloggers start out from nothing and achieve. It’s not something I take lightly, and I’m grateful for it every single day.

So I’m analyzing the stats from the summer and putting most of my own content here until I’m able to return completely to form. I’m finishing my Tolkien series at Part Time Monster as soon as I can manage that. I’m carving out some social media time to spend liking and commenting on blogs every single week from here on out. When October rolls around, I’m looking to add two to four new bloggers to the crew for 2016 and do what we’ve done here all over again next year.


You’ll see these coffee posts here on either Saturdays or Sundays from here on out. Pop culture content always takes priority on Saturday when we have it, so often, this will be a Sunday thing. Sometimes they will be straight-up personal coffee posts; sometimes they’ll read like “From the Instigator-in-Chief” posts; sometimes I’ll roll the Social Media Sundays into them. It depends on how I’m feeling and what I have to talk about on any given week.

Don’t forget to add your coffee share post to the linkup at Part Time Monster, and to share it with #WeekendCoffeeShare on Twitter.


38 thoughts on “Weekend Coffee Share: In Which I Transfer My Flag (Again)

  1. Though I’m sure we all get something different out of contributing, at the root of it, it’s about being part of a team and sharing something we’re passionate about. I always have a great time, and you already know how much I love the collaborative posts. I’ll look forward to the expansion in October, and seeing the coffee posts over here. I haven’t been able to take part for the last couple of weekends, but next week I should be good to go!

    Liked by 2 people

    • My motivations are similar. I’ve had more than one blog written solely by me. Ultimately, that isn’t satisfying enough to me personally to warrant the time and effort it takes. I built this thing as a learning tool for myself — I’m trying to figure out how to build a big website, and I’ll be up front about that with anyone. But the most important thing for me is that if I’m going to run a blog, I want it to be a bigger and better blog than anything I can do by myself, and I want it to foster an environment in which other bloggers can get to know one another and form lasting relationships.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. I always feel like, when you find the people you click with, you don’t need to take a long time to be ready to collaborate with them — seems like maybe that’s what you’ve gotten with the folks you’ve pulled together.
    Looking forward to seeing the coffee posts here on the “little blog that could” (love that!)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Being part of something as Milssa Mentioned above, I think is a huge pull for your contributors. It can get lonely out here. And I think that putting more of your “personal stuff” in here i.e coffee posts will hugely benefit this blog. I only started reading this one after I had discovered Just Gene’o, even though I’d been following this blog for ages. 🙂
    Great chat over coffee.

    Liked by 1 person

    • My thought on the coffee posts are similar, and if this thread is any indication, yes, they’ll be a benefit.

      Also a benefit for me, personally. I’m now accomplishing the same thing with one Saturday post that has been requiring me to write two.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I always wish I were up on the pop culture stuff and comics. I’m not. It makes it a bit more difficult to participate. I’ll tell you what would be neat for this blog, for people like me: a series of 101 posts. Something like Batman 101, Tolkien 101, Marvel 101, DC Comics 101, etc. Posts where someone coming in totally unknowing (or in my case with a little knowledge) would not feel lost and feel like they might learn enough to keep the interest going enough to read some of the more advanced posts. So if you ever have a blogger willing to participate but needs a topic, if they can write something like a primer on some related topic, I think that would be wonderful!

    Liked by 2 people

    • That’s a great idea. One of the best content ideas for this blog anyone’s ever tossed my way on a comment thread.

      Ironically, I’m less up-to-date on the pop culture now than I was when I started this blog, because the networking and writing time has really eaten into my tv/movie/reading time.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I publish here because you asked at a time when I had something to offer. I like to help friends out and be part of a group when I have something useful to give. No big mystery.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Sounds like a great plan, and I notice from the comments there is an event you’re not talking about coming up in the later part of the year. I love reading things here and look forward to reading more. Its good to learn about the Pop culture things I missed while having children and working too much.

    Liked by 1 person

    • LOL, yeah. What we don’t want to do is talk about that thing just a little. Not something to mention in passing. Want to either talk about it a LOT, or just let it go and keep doing what we’re doing.

      Haven’t made a decision yet.


    • Yar. You might at that.

      They do better when you get them into the linkup early on Saturday, and when you are able to find the time to either visit from the linkup or give a lot of Twitter love.

      But they tend to work more weeks than not, no matter how you play them.


  7. So at the same time you were lamenting a need for contributors, Holly and I also received an offer to contribute at another excellent blog. However, when we started showing interest, we received their policy documents – a dozen or so. We were literally scared away.

    You talk about this blog as small, but that’s also some of its success. Here, we get to have our own voices as contributors. We get to pitch our post ideas, even our series ideas. We’re given trust and posting authority. You’ve welcomed us in, and trusted and respected us, and shown interest and shared us and marketed us. You’ve hit our threads as hard or harder than we do.

    Why do we blog with you? Because you make it easy and fun, worthwhile and rewarding.

    Cheers. Or, whatever you say with coffee.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Saw this the other night, and it got lost in the tv and Blogwanking frenzy yesterday. Had to come back to it.

      Thanks for saying this. Especially the part about the marketing and trust and stuff. That’s what I’m going for, and I’m probably too hard on myself when I don’t have time to do the sharing of everything.

      And yeah. If you’re wanting buy-in from contributors, snowing them under with policies is a bad idea. It’s why I try to go so light with them here. I don’t like to make rules unless I see a clear reason for making them, and unless I am sure they can be applied consistently.

      The whole giving you your voices and letting you pitch ideas is the most important part of all this. Would not work If I were trying to tell everyone what to write. Who’s got time for me to tell them what to blog about on a blog I run? And what would anyone, other than me, get out of it?

      I’d love to pay for contributions, but since I can’t I try to pay in engagement and be open to ideas unless I think they absolutely will not work. Because everyone has to get something out of this, not just me.

      Liked by 1 person

Chatter Away!