Two and a Half Years of Comparative Geeks!

Quite the milestone here.

Comparative Geeks

Merlin Relaxing

At this point I’ve made a tradition of celebrating the milestone every six months of Comparative Geeks! With the Geek Baby we’re now counting much shorter increments in time, like age in weeks, or hours between feedings (or hours we get to sleep!) so six more months suddenly feels like a really long time!

As part of this most recent six months, we had six weeks of guest posts, along with the Friday posts I wrote in advance. That was a lot of great content from some really great bloggers, so if you missed that, I collected them all here. We are still incredibly grateful for that, because without it, I would not be sitting here now saying that we’ve had a successful, continuing blog here on Comparative Geeks!

Seeing how much success we had, and how our life has changed for sure, we are continuing to operate with…

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