Follow Friday on the Blog: QuaintJeremy’s Thoughts

Our longtime contributor Jeremy DeFatta, also known as @quaintjeremy, kicked off his own blog, QuaintJeremy’s Thoughts, earlier this month. Since we celebrated the six-month anniversary of his weekly Batman series this week, and he has a few nice original posts up, this seems a good week to say “Hey! follow Jeremy!” 😉

Meet Jeremy

Meet Jeremy

Jeremy’s contributions to Sourcerer are one of the biggest reasons we’ve been so successful this year. Jeremy is consistently our most popular blogger in terms of views, and he is the author of five of our 10 most-viewed posts. It’s telling that this blog really took off the month Jeremy started contributing. That says to me that he’s a blogger you might enjoy keeping up with.

He has a great feature called “Thoughts,” which are short, pithy and frequently entertaining. Things like:

I find writers who take being a writer too seriously really off-putting. I think, as a rule, I just dislike people who take themselves too seriously generally. And other abverbs.

You’ll find posts on a variety of topics at Jeremy’s blog that are just as good as the things he writes here. He’s recently written a very nice review of Glen Cook’s early Black Company novels which focuses on the principle narrator, Croaker. He’s also written about the future of DC’s New 52 and recently completed his collection of older editions of Herbert’s original Dune series.

Jeremy's awesome Frank Herbert collection

Jeremy’s awesome Frank Herbert collection

Jeremy’s talented, he’s personable, he REALLY knows his comics, and he loves beer. He also has a very pleasing sense of humor. If you like nerdy things and beer, you’ll love QuaintJeremy’s Thoughts.

16 thoughts on “Follow Friday on the Blog: QuaintJeremy’s Thoughts

    • Me too! The “thoughts” are pure genius. they’re as good as photoblogs as far as the whole time-efficieny thing goes. Compose a tweet, and you can go over a little. Post it on your blog. You’re done.

      Also, I will go ahead and let you in on this. We thought this had been deleted, but it was not. It’s an account that was abandoned ages ago and is now in the the process of being revamped. We’re talking about how best to use it. I should probably not be sharing it on a public thread yet, but I AM LOKI PRINCE OF ASGARD !!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I noticed I got followed by that earlier 🙂

        So one of the things I am noticing on Tumblr is that you don’t necessarily get notified if someone interacts with a post you share… meaning honestly, I don’t know how effective most of the content I am putting out there is. However, original content, well tagged, can do a pretty good job there – something pithy or amusing, or especially images. Link shares don’t seem to do much in terms of likes or shares, but they create some clickthroughs, and hey, Publicize does the work for you, even carrying over your tags.

        All that said… photoblogging on Tumblr?

        Liked by 1 person

        • I didn’t know she’d followed you already. We’re pretty compartmentalized except where the collaboration is a make-or-break proposition. Building separate followings, introducing them to one another. Not building one ginormous following, because we don’t believe that will work.

          And I have no idea about Tumblr. I give followbacks there. I don’t spend much time there because it seems like it’s redundant with WordPress, but you’re right about the publicize doing the work for you. We get good referrals from it sometimes. It’s always from a pop culture tag like Doctor Who or The Hunger Games, and always on a post where we nail the image and it gets pulled onto the tumblr page.

          So, yeah. Photoblogging might be just the thing over there.

          My main problem with it is it’s too hard to set up a feedback system. I don’t want to fool around with Disqus, so no comments. And as poor as the WordPress stats are, at least WordPress has them. Without data-based feedback, I’m just flying blind, and Tumblr doesn’t really do that, as far as I can tell. Likes and Reblogs are just not enough information to go on if your whole game is posting stuff and using the stats to gauge the response.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Agreed. I’ve used it to re-blog some of the stuff I’ve created for the blog, like Alignment grids and memes, to okay effect. Just a separate channel.

            However, I love Tumblr as a “reader” – I love scrolling through and looking at other people’s images, and stopping occasionally and reading a thread. And it feels more in keeping with the purpose of that space to share other people’s stuff – something we don’t really do directly through our Comparative Geeks WordPress. I also love the queue functionality – rather than directly sharing much of anything, I queue it up, and it shows up in the future. Meaning even people who might have seen it before are getting to engage with it again!

            It’s really just a vast mystery though, you’re right. But our following grows a little bit at a time, and I enjoy what I’m doing over there…


            • So you can queue reblogs on Tumblr?

              And you seem to be saying that Tumblr doesn’t care about original content – it just rewards you for sharing. ? accurate?


            • Yeah, when you select reblog, you can choose to save the reblog as a draft, schedule it, queue it – all the options you get with an original post.

              But I guess I am not sure what you’re thinking by “reward?” The closest you get to stats are things you originally post – you get to see all of the reblogs and likes, even if they are likes on someone else’s page, on their reblog of your content. Meaning sadly, when you reblog, you don’t get the notification that someone has interacted with it.

              One thing I do with most everything I reblog on Tumblr is add new tags to it, so maybe these are working and getting people seeing my stuff and following? Honestly, I’m not sure how followers find me there. I’ve been doing some good follow-backs, and share a bunch of stuff that they share… but I’m not finding a lot of accounts on my own. We’re up to 29 followers, so it’s not a ton. Our best post has 18 notes, so not shabby, but not viral…

              I don’t know. I enjoy it, and I want to understand it more. I will be interested to see what you do with it!

              Liked by 1 person

            • lol. Jeremy doesn’t mind this. Give me sec and I will post some stumble metrics so we can compare notes.

              When I say a network “rewards” something, what I mean is it gives you views if you do that thing. So I was speculating that the way you get attention on Tumblr is by sharing other peoples’ stuff. I was suggesting that Tumblr values that so highly, it’s almost pointless to be original there. I don’t know that to be a fact – its just what I thought after reading your earlier comments.

              Liked by 1 person

            • I don’t know it for a fact either, but I think that I definitely get credit for putting these posts out there, and I think putting the original tags on shares must help.

              Honestly, you get a LOT more control in the reblog pane in Tumblr than you do in WordPress. As you know, one of my features on DBCII is the Sunday ReBlog, and after I reblog a post, I have to go BACK in and add tags and categories and such to the post. You can use the “Press This!” button, and you get an editing pane… but all it shares is a link to the post. If I wanted to link to the post, I would just link to the post. I have that skill, ya know?

              I think that’s a lot of what I mean about it being a portal “designed” for sharing – they make the sharing a powerful part of your toolkit. They’ve also improved the tracking back to the original poster, which I think is a really good move for copyright sorts of questions.

              You’ve mentioned some of the ridiculous power of StumbleUpon… Tumblr cannot compare, or if it can, I do not know how to get it there!


            • We have 101 followers. We’ve picked up quite a few lately. No idea how to see which of our posts has the most notes, but i suspect our best is four or five.

              And keep in mind that that the 101 followers is gained over an almost-eight-month period of time in which that Tumblr page has been getting between three and eight updates every single day. Three blogs are publicizing everything to it.

              Liked by 1 person

            • Yeah, ours is far newer, with only about 2 posts a day – one publicize, one share. Twitter and WordPress the followers seem to be so much easier. Tumblr and Facebook, not so much. Our Facebook is almost as old as our blog… 55 likes for the page. I’ve stopped doing much of anything with it, because it just doesn’t seem to be going anywhere, and most of the interactions are you and Diana…


            • yeah, we’ve given up on facebook until we can reapackage a bunch of stuff just for FB and give the fan pages their own schedules.

              We know how it works, just don’t have time, and it’s not a big priority.

              The people who have big facebook pages are spending the amount of time just doing that one thing that we spend on WordPress, Twitter, Pinterest, and Stumble combined.

              Facebook wants all your time, or else your money. I share to my personal timeline so rarely because the time I spend composing the status update costs more than I get back in attention.

              Off to bed, I’ll catch up with you over the weekend.


Chatter Away!