Dragon’s Loyalty Award – Thanks!

Thanks to Vijay at Half Eaten Mind for nominating Sourcerer for our second Dragon’s Loyalty Award. I love awards. I think they’re fun, and they’re a good way to pay compliments to other bloggers.  I always say thanks for awards and add the nominations to our awards page, but I do the nomination posts on my own schedule. Nominating 10 or 15 bloggers and doing the questions takes a bit of time and thought, and I like to feel as though I’ve done them justice. Don Charisma picked up this nifty badge from The Bonding Tool, so I thought I’d share it:


Rather than rush to publish a post that isn’t quite ready, I think I’ll do a preview and give you a couple of useful links to help you with your blogging/social media adventures.

Preview: I’ll have a Tolkien post at Part Time Monster later in the week. My series over there is definitely off hiatus. Once I have that post ready to go, I also hope to have some thoughts on how the Zero-to-Hero challenge helped all our blogs, and perhaps a post about my recent Twitter antics. I’m also planning to run a debut post from a new contributor this week, so do tune in.

Now for something helpful. As some of you know, Diana and I are working together to build a social media knowledge base. We store a lot of information on our Facebook fan pages for use later. Here’s an article I picked up over the weekend that explains Twitter limits. It was published in March, so I am not sure what’s changed since then, but I find it useful.  If you’re wondering why the layout of your reblogs changed overnight, here’s an announcement from WordPress. Personally, I like the change.

badge: The Bonding Tool

4 thoughts on “Dragon’s Loyalty Award – Thanks!

    • Cool, that’s good to know. I got suspended when I first started, and am just learning how to manage the account properly. It’s very helpful information.


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